Boy's name (5)

'boy's name' is the definition.
(I've seen this before)
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for peter that I've seen before include "Cephas" , "Apostle - saint - first Pope?" , "Safe - name for a man" , "and 4 across Doctor Who actor" , "Fellow < safe" .)
(Other definitions for colin that I've seen before include "Man's name" , "--- Wilson, Eng. writer (The Outsider)" .)
(Other definitions for lewis that I've seen before include "Scottish island" , "C. S. ---, --- Carroll, authors" , "Police sergeant" , "Hebridean isle" , "Inspector Morse's assistant" .)
'boy's name' is the definition.
This is all the clue.
(Other definitions for roger that I've seen before include "Ackroyd" , "Radio acknowledgment" , "Have sex" , "Jolly man" , "I get you" .)
'boy's name' is the definition.
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for ernie that I've seen before include "Machine that produces the winning Premium Bond numbers" , "National Savings computer" , "Boy" , "It picks Premium Bond winners" , "- (the Fastest Milkman in the West) (Benny Hill)" .)
(Other definitions for simon that I've seen before include "- Templar, The Saint" , "Apostle Peter's other name" , "He's simple in rhyme" , "See 1" , "One of Christ's apostles" .)
'boy's name' is the definition.
(I've seen this before)
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for nigel that I've seen before include "man?" , "One knighted by Conan Doyle," , "Chap" , "We all sign on (anag) -- politician" , "Boy's name - Elgin (anag)" .)
(Other definitions for billy that I've seen before include "The familiar male goat" , "Goat; camper's kettle" , "Light metal cooking pot used for camping" , "Cooking can for William" , "Metal camping can for tea" .)
'boy's name' is the definition.
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for errol that I've seen before include "- Flynn, US film actor" , "Old film star" , "-- Flynn, Hollywood actor" , "- Flynn, twentieth century film actor" , "- - Flynn, film star" .)
'boy's name' is the definition.
(I've seen this before)
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for david that I've seen before include "Israeli king" , "Hebrew king" , "Boy's name" , "Goliath's slayer" , "King of Judah and Israel, Saul's successor" .)
'boy's name' is the definition.
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for aaron that I've seen before include "leader's brother" , "OT character" , "Fanfare for the Common Man composer" , "Brother of Moses, led the Jews to the Promised Land" , "Brother of Moses who founded the Jewish priesthood" .)
(Other definitions for craig that I've seen before include "Fellow" , "Daniel --, actor" , "Scottish boy" .)
(Other definitions for denis that I've seen before include "St -, first Paris bishop" , "Patron saint of France" , "- Healey, former Chancellor of the Exchequer" .)
'boy's name' is the definition.
This is all the clue.
(Other definitions for henry that I've seen before include "Thierry - - , 7 striker" , "O. -; US writer" , "- Moore, sculptor" , "-- James, US novelist" , "Tudor king" .)
(Other definitions for scott that I've seen before include "Sir Walter --, writer" , "British Antarctic explorer, died 1912" , "See other clues" , "Ivanhoe's creator" , "Sir Peter -----, ornithologist son of a great explorer" .)
(Other definitions for brian that I've seen before include "-- Blessed; -- Eno" , "Chap" , "intellect" , "-- Blessed, actor" , "Havergal ---, composer; his Life, Pythons" .)
(Other definitions for james that I've seen before include "American novelist" , "See 22" , "P D - - , writer" , "Title of epistle" , "King (I of England, VI of Scotland)" .)
(Other definitions for boris that I've seen before include "-- Godunov; -- Johnson" , "- Godunov, Mussorgsky opera" , "Pasternak, perhaps" , "Russian name" , "Leading Brexiteer's given name" .)
(Other definitions for steve that I've seen before include "Stephen (abbrev.)" , "Sir - - Redgrave (oarsman)" , "Chap" , "- Reich; - Biko" , "Byers, to his friends" .)
(Other definitions for danny that I've seen before include "- Kaye, US actor" , "Boy, Kaye or Blanchflower" .)
'boy's name' is the definition.
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for kevin that I've seen before include "- Costner, US actor (Dances with Wolves)" , "Man's name" , "Mr Keegan?" .)
(Another definition for ronan that I've seen is " ... O'Gara, ... Keating".)
'boy's name' is the definition.
This is all the clue.
(Another definition for lenny that I've seen is " -- Henry, comedian".)
'boy's name' is the definition.
(I've seen this before)
This is all the clue.
(Other definitions for richard that I've seen before include "Lionheart king" , "-- Wagner, composer" , "Play about hunchback" , "Cliff --; -- Wagner" , "man" .)
'boy's name' is the definition.
(I've seen this before)
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for william that I've seen before include "- - Wordsworth" , "Prince Harry's brother" , "I am a weakish speller (anag) -- author" , "-- Caxton, early printer" , "See 20" .)
(Other definitions for stephen that I've seen before include "Man" , "- Sondheim, composer" , "Chap" , "-- Hawking, English physicist" , "Old king" .)
'boy's name' is the definition.
This is all the clue.
(Other definitions for dan that I've seen before include "Dark and damp." , "Proficient combative sportsman" , "Judo level of proficiency (3)" , "Level of proficiency in Japanese martial arts" , "book (abbreviated version)" .)
'boy's name' is the definition.
(short for Timothy)
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for tim that I've seen before include "-- Brooke-Taylor, comedian; -- Minchin, comedian" , "Tiny chap" , "Little fellow" , "Sir -- Rice, lyricist" , "Tiny . . . is a loveable Dickens boy" .)
(Other definitions for eli that I've seen before include "Man" , "Shiloh priest (Bible)" , "Distort then untruth to get a Biblical character" , "- Wallach, US actor" , "Biblical teacher of Samuel" .)
'boy's name' is the definition.
(I've seen this before)
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for ian that I've seen before include "- Fleming (James Bond)" , "- Botham, cricketer" , "Scotsman?" , "- McEwan, Eng. writer" , "... Fleming, author of the Bond books" .)
'boy's name' is the definition.
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for sam that I've seen before include "Boy" , "Casablanca piano player" , "Uncle" , "together once" .)
'boy's name' is the definition.
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for les that I've seen before include "-- Miserables, musical" , "French definite article" , "-- Dawson, English comic" , "French article; name" , "-- Dawson (late comedian)" .)
(Other definitions for tom that I've seen before include "Repeated twice, this becomes an African drum" , "A male domestic cat" , "Jerry's cartoon adversary" , "Boy running off with pig" , "Pig-stealing piper's son" .)
'boy's name' is the definition.
This is all the clue.
(Other definitions for ben that I've seen before include "Scottish 11" , "A Scottish mountain like Nevis" , "& 3 Across Epic film" , "High mountain in Scotland" , "Boy for a Scottish mountain" .)
'boy's name' is the definition.
This is all the clue.
(Other definitions for ted that I've seen before include "Edward, in short" , "- Hughes, Eng. Poet" , "Craggy Island Father" , "Heath or Hughes?" , "Edward (dim.)" .)
(Other definitions for roy that I've seen before include "'... Rogers, old film star cowboy (3)'" , "- Orbison, US singer" , "Rob . . . was a famous Scottish outlaw" , "Rob --, Scots outlaw" , "Rob . . . was a notorious Scottish outlaw" .)
'boy's name' is the definition.
(I've seen this before)
This is all the clue.
(Other definitions for eric that I've seen before include "Blair, perhaps" , "---- Cantona, Manchester Utd favourite of the 1990s" , "- Sykes, British comedian" , "..... the Red was Norwegian 10th Century exployer" , "Cantona or Clapton?" .)
'boy's name' is the definition.
This is all the clue.
(Other definitions for adam that I've seen before include "__ Smith, author of The Wealth of Nations" , "Fellow" , "Eve's partner" , "Biblical first human" , "A mad sort of ancestor" .)
(Other definitions for alec that I've seen before include "Guinness (a smart lad?)" , "Smart boy?" , "A smart . . . . is a know-all in lace" , "Boy's name (a smart one?)" , "Sir - Douglas-Home, former PM" .)
'boy's name' is the definition.
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for otis that I've seen before include "Miss -- Regrets, Cole Porter song" , "US inventor" , "Cole Porter's miss who was "unable to lunch today"" , "Company providing lifts" , "Lift man" .)
(Other definitions for sean that I've seen before include "Irish form of John" , "guy at Number 10 [IRISHMAN]" , "Penn, Bean or O'Casey" , "- - Connery (007)" .)
'boy's name' is the definition.
This is all the clue.
(Other definitions for ross that I've seen before include "Wye town; Antarctic sea" , "-- And Cromarty, former county of Scotland" , "Diana - (Supremes)" , "- and Cromarty, former Scottish county" , "-- Dependency; -- Sea" .)
'boy's name' is the definition.
(I've seen this before)
This is all the clue.
(Other definitions for alan that I've seen before include "- Bennett, English dramatist, author" , "- Bates, - Bennett" , "One of Robin Hood's men was - a Dale" , "Boy's name" , "-- Ayckbourn, English dramatist" .)
(Other definitions for jack that I've seen before include "Boy - lifting device" , "Card; man's name" , "See 5 Down" , "Jill's other half?" , "Car lift" .)
(Other definitions for john that I've seen before include "Old King" , "English king in play" , "With nineteen accross twentieth century US actor known for westerns, etc" , "gospeller" , "toilet" .)
(Other definitions for paul that I've seen before include "Peter - Rubens, Flemish painter" , "- Newman, US actor" , "Epistle writer" , "fellow" , "Some rob Peter to pay .." .)
(Other definitions for liam that I've seen before include "Boy" , "Irishman" , "-- Neeson (actor)" .)
(Other definitions for iain that I've seen before include "Scottish man's name" , "Scotsman's" , "- - Duncan Smith" , "Scottish boy" .)
'boy's name' is the definition.
This is all the clue.
(Other definitions for alfred that I've seen before include "Great English king" , "A great king of Wessex, d. 899" , "Cake-burning king" , "Ninth century king of Wessex" , "King of Wessex, known as "the Great"" .)
'boy's name' is the definition.
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for oliver that I've seen before include "Dickensian musical" , "Orphan recruited by criminal gang" , "One taking pride in food" , "First name of Goldsmith, great 18th century Irish writer" , "Musical (with a Twist!)" .)
(Other definitions for robert that I've seen before include "---17 ac. 23, explorer" , "- Edward Lee, US Confederate general" , "Boy's name" , "-- Browning, nineteenth century poet" , "-- Browning, English poet" .)
'boy's name' is the definition.
(I've seen this before)
This is all the clue.
(Other definitions for edward that I've seen before include "First name of Mr Rochester (Jane Eyre)" , "Regnal name of six kings of England" , "Former prime minister" , "-- Lear; -- Heath" , "Lear, maybe" .)
'boy's name' is the definition.
(I've seen this before)
This is all the clue.
(Other definitions for andrew that I've seen before include "Father of Beatrice and Eugenie" , "Scotland's patron saint" , "holy man" , "Composer of many musicals ..." , "Royal prince" .)
'boy's name' is the definition.
(I've seen this before)
This is all the clue.
(Other definitions for norman that I've seen before include "Like William the Conqueror?" , "Boy's name" , "Australian golfer" , "Ten sixty six invader" , "15 [JANE] the clothing company" .)
(Other definitions for steven that I've seen before include "voice" , "- Spielberg, US director" , "Man" .)
'boy's name' is the definition.
(I've seen this before)
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for ernest that I've seen before include "Boy's name (the important one!)" , "- Shackleton, Antarctic explorer" , "- Bevin, twentieth century Labour politician" , "The boy sounds serious" , "fellow" .)
'boy's name' is the definition.
This is all the clue.
(Other definitions for graham that I've seen before include "- Greene, British author (The Third Man)" , "Martha -, choreographer; A. - Bell, inventor" , "Man's name" , "Novelist, who wrote..." , "- Greene, Br. author" .)
'boy's name' is the definition.
This is all the clue.
(Other definitions for arthur that I've seen before include "See 25" , "Dudley Moore film" , "Legendary British king" , "Sir --- Conan Doyle" , "See 21" .)
'boy's name' is the definition.
This is all the clue.
(Other definitions for thomas that I've seen before include "Doubting apostle" , "The doubting one" , "fellow" , "Literary tank engine" , "Dylan ..., ... Aquinas" .)
(Other definitions for gordon that I've seen before include "general" , "Flash --, US comic strip astronaut" , "English hero-general killed at Khartoum" .)
'boy's name' is the definition.
This is all the clue.
(Other definitions for benjamin that I've seen before include "-- Britten, composer" , "Son of Jacob" , "-- Disraeli; -- Franklin" , "tribal leader" , "British composer of 'Peter Grimes'" .)