Crossword Genius

Dramatist in conflict about method of payment (6)


I believe the answer is:


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'dramatist' is the definition.
The answer and definition can be both people as well as being singular nouns.
Perhaps they are linked in a way I don't understand?

'conflict about method of payment' is the wordplay.
'conflict' becomes 'war' (war is a kind of conflict).
'about' is an insertion indicator.
'method of payment' becomes 'cod' (I've seen this before).
'war' inserted inside 'cod' is 'COWARD'.

'in' is the link.

Can you help me to learn more?

(Other definitions for coward that I've seen before include "Scaredy-cat" , "who would shy away from difficulties?" , "Noel . . . . . ., English playwright and actor" , "Poltroon" , "Craven type" .)

I've seen this clue in The Globe and Mail.
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