Crossword Genius

British admiral "Urgent - drifting English ships lost here" (7,8)


I believe the answer is:

bermuda triangle

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'ships lost here' is the definition.
I don't know anything about this answer so I cannot judge whether this works.

'british admiral urgent drifting english' is the wordplay.
'british' becomes 'b' (abbreviation e.g. in BBC).
'drifting' indicates an anagram.
'english' becomes 'E' (abbreviation as in OED).
'admiralurgent' is an anagram of 'ermudatriangl'.
'b'+'ermudatriangl'+'e'='BERMUDA TRIANGLE'

Can you help me to learn more?

(Other definitions for bermuda triangle that I've seen before include "Place where ships have been mysteriously lost" , "mysterious place" , "associated with disappearing craft?" , "Area of mystery" , "notorious danger area?" .)

I've seen this clue in The Independent.
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