Crossword Genius

Fixing boiler, with washer FOC, provides pleasing situation (1,4,2,8)


I believe the answer is:

a bowl of cherries

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'pleasing situation' is the definition.
'a bowl of cherries' can be an answer for 'situation' (I have seen 'Cushy situation' mean 'a bowl of cherries' so perhaps 'situation' could also mean 'a bowl of cherries'). I'm not sure about the 'pleasing' bit.

'fixing boiler with washer foc' is the wordplay.
'fixing' is an anagram indicator.
'with' means one lot of letters go next to another.
'boiler' after 'washerfoc' is 'washerfocboiler'.
'washerfocboiler' anagrammed gives 'A BOWL OF CHERRIES'.

'provides' is the link.

Can you help me to learn more?

(Another definition for a bowl of cherries that I've seen is " Cushy situation".)

I've seen this clue in The Telegraph.
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